What is Zia Rifle and Pistol Club?
Zia Rifle and Pistol Club is a private firearms club that provides its members with access to one of New Mexico’s premiere shooting ranges and its firearms activities. Whether you’re looking for a place to shoot competitively with friendly company or simply a place that allows you to shoot at your convenience and leisure, Zia will meet the bill. In addition to providing responsible gun owners a fun and safe environment for shooters to enjoy, Zia Rifle and Pistol Club also creates a community of welcoming gun enthusiasts of all skill levels.
new Frequently Asked Questions Page
You have questions, this page may have an answer. If not, use the contact form to ask us anything!
Women’s Only Class
Zia sponsors a women’s only pistol and personal protection class twice a year. Currently that class is held each April and October. For further information, email LadiesClass@ziarifleandpistolclub.com
New Members
Prospective members can continue to apply for consideration into the club and their applications will be noted and placed in the “first received selection” file for orientation classes beginning in the above period.
Existing Members
Current members should receive an email reminder 30 days prior to your membership expiration. You can renew early by clicking Read More below and following the instructions.