New Members

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We are accepting applications for membership.

    February 2025 update: yes, we are accepting applications for membership.  New applicants should expect a 2 month wait to get into an Orientation class.

    For those that would like to join Zia Rifle and Pistol Club, please download the New Member Request Form linked below. Complete the form and mail it in either with your choice of payment for the $25 New Member Orientation Fee (see options on the form).  Make checks payable to Zia Rifle and Pistol Club.  You can optionally scan the completed form and email it to

    The specific requirements listed below must be accomplished prior to acceptance as a Zia Member.

    1. Eligibility requirements:
      1. Any person legally in the United States, who is a member or the National Rifle Association (you can join using our affiliate link for a good deal and multi-year discounts), while he or she remains of good repute.
      2. Not be a member of an organization having as its purpose the overthrow by force and violence the government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions.
      3. Eligibility requirements shall not in any manner be based on a person’s race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and no such discriminatory records shall be maintained by this club.
    2. Pre-Apply to the Zia Membership Committee per the form below.
    3. The Committee will assemble an applicant list based on an “earliest received” selection basis. When openings and orientation class size/dates are available, the earliest received applicants will be advised via email of documents required for membership into the Club. Instructions are included in the documents.
    4. A scheduled class can be adjusted once without losing preferential scheduling status.
    5. Satisfactorily attend Orientation Class as scheduled. The prospective member will receive required safety and operational training at the Orientation Class. A gate key and membership card will be issued per Zia procedures. This training will take approximately 3-4 hours.

    Questions about your status or this process? Call the membership chair directly at (505) 281-2800. If you get a recording from “Print Professionals”, you have the correct number and should leave a message.

    Directions to range

    Interact with the map below, you may enter your address and get personalized directions to Zia Rifle and Pistol Club. Click Here for an overhead outline of our ranges.

    Gate Coordinates:

    (35.01665840710978, -106.59699365361098)

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